Monday, June 16, 2014

Paul Komoda's Nova Express resin kit, molding & casting pictures!

The time is finally upon us!

Paul Komoda's Nova Express resin kit has been molded and casting has begun!

The castings have come out beautiful and crisp thanks to mold master Simon Garcia.

Sculptor Michael Norman did an incredible job keying and parting the sculpture, prepping it for molding.

We've included some never before seen pics of the mold in progress and the first resin casting.

Castings start shipping out to customers this week.

If you missed out on the pre-order and would like to purchase one, please email us at: 


Here's the mold for the body/base, silicone in a stone jacket.

Here's the body, just before being clayed up. Simon builds a wall of foam core around the piece, which he will lay clay on top of.

These next few pics show the tentacles prepped for molding. Simon adds escape vents and bleeders to pieces like this, which allow the resin to fill all the small points of the sculpture and prevent air bubbles.

And here's the first casting out of the mold! The pieces have been lightly put together with "Quake Hold"